Best Surfing Movies of All Time to Watch Now

Surf films captivate with their celebration of the ocean, spectacular waves and the unique culture that surrounds this sport. They offer not only moments of pure adrenaline, but also inspiring stories and a deep connection with nature. For thrill-seekers or simply those looking for an escape, here's a selection of the best surfing movies ever made.

Like a wish to be carried away by breathtaking pictures of waves? We all know that the ocean allows us to reconnect with nature and ourselves. That's why we share this list of the best surfing movies: from cult films of the 80s and 90s to more recent surfing documentaries, these work of art manage to immerse viewers in the wave of imagination. These surf films are not just about the sport as such, but they are often linked to topics like identity, self-improvement and communion with Mother Earth...

Human X: La Nuit de la Glisse (2023)

Directed by the French director Thierry Donard, this movie focuses on extreme sports athletes. Human X: La Nuit de la Glisse is part of the famous La Nuit de la Glisse series, which highlights disciplines such as surfing, skiing, snowboarding and many others. Human X stands out for its spectacular and immersive shots, capturing the beauty and danger of the natural environments in which these sportsmen and women evolve. The documentary doesn't just show impressive performances, it also offers an in-depth look at the motivation, passion and lifestyle of these athletes, highlighting their relentless quest for adrenaline and perfection in often extreme conditions.

The section devoted to surfing features striking images that capture the essence of this extreme sport. The film features world-renowned surfers as they face some of the most powerful and majestic waves in the world. Viewers can appreciate the intensity of the moments when the surfers take on the immense waves, showcasing their technical expertise and courage in the face of the ocean's force through high-definition images. This work gives us an insight into the mental and physical preparation required to cope with such conditions.

Blue Crush (2002)

Kate Bosworth, the star of this drama, plays Anne-Marie Chadwick, a surfer who has been passionate about surfing since childhood, but who has lost all confidence in herself following an accident. When she is invited to compete in the Pipe Masters, an international competition that sees the surfing elite flock to the beaches of Oahu, she is confronted by her fear of a fatal injury under one of the world's heaviest waves. But this young surfer puts everything into question when she meets a famous American football quarterback...

Although the plot is fairly predictable, Blue Crush offers some incredible shots of the ocean and surf, and no one can deny that Kate Bosworth makes a pretty incredible surfer! As well as being considered one of the best surfing movies ever, Blue Crush was one of the first mainstream films to feature female surfers and celebrate their strength, determination and camaraderie. The film shows the unique challenges faced by female surfers in a traditionally male-dominated sport, while highlighting their talent and resilience.

Chasing Mavericks (2012)

This 2012 Hollywood biopic is based on the life of famous Santa Cruz, California-native surfer, Jay Moriarity. In 1987, 8-year-old Moriarity is saved from drowning by his surfer-neighbor Frosty Hesson, played by Phantom of the Opera actor, Gerard Butler. He soon becomes interested in the sport, and Frosty becomes his teacher. Moriarity watches Frosty surf at Mavericks beach in Half Moon Bay, California. In reality, waves at Mavericks break between 8-18 metres in height, making the break home to some of the biggest waves in the world. Before Frosty lets young Moriarity take on Mavericks, he puts him through a series of brutal tasks. For example, Moriarity must paddle 58 kilometres across the ocean from Santa Cruz to Monterey Bay. He also makes him tread water for 40 minutes, and hold his breath for a solid four minutes.

The biopic is a wonderful way to memorialize Jay Moriarity, who the surfing community remember as an incredibly talented surfer. Moriarity died at the age of 22 while free-diving in the Maldives. So keep his memory alive by grabbing some popcorn and sitting down to enjoy this one.

Andy Irons: Kissed by God (2018)

If you have even the slightest interest in surfing, Kissed By God is a must-see! This documentary is an intimate look at the late Andy Irons life, and the struggles he faced, all while being the poster boy of surf. With his brother Bruce by his side, the two take the surfing world by storm. They become sponsored at 16 and 17, and Andy Irons was making over $ 120,000 a year by that time. He and Bruce started a journey fueled by passion surfing all around the world. Without parental supervision and little structure at such young ages, the boys partied often, used drugs, and slowly spiraled out of control.

But Andy also battles with bipolar disorder, which often made life harder for him. Yet Irons was still able to become a 3x world champion surfer, beating out one of the best surfers in the world, Kelly Slater. This film is an emotional and inspirational look into the raw reality of a pro surfer the world will miss dearly.

Take Every Wave (2017)

Take Every Wave is a 2017 documentary about Laird Hamilton, known for surfing the absolute biggest waves in the world- and looking like a greek god while doing it. The San Francisco-born son of a surf lady and absent father soon moved with his mother to Honolulu. He eventually met Bill Hamilton on the beach in Pupukea, who quickly became a surf teacher, companion and stand in father. Eventually Bill Hamilton married Laird’s mother.

But Laird’s life is revealed as less than perfect- as he experienced violence both at home and at school. In the 1970’s being a fair skinned, bleach blonde kid was made you an automatic outcast and target for bullies. So Laird turned to the ocean for refuge, and earned respect with his otherworldly surf skills and fearless big-wave charging. Take Every Wave is a well-made documentary about one of best surfers the world will ever see- pay your respects to the surfing god that is Laird and check it out!

North Shore (1987)

While North Shore is a relatively ‘B’ grade film, it’s considered to be a classic with surf fans. The story is centered around Arizona surfer Rick Kane, played by Matt Adler (it’s okay, we’ve never heard of him either). Rick wins an artificial-wave surf contest, and then flies to Hawaii with his prize money, thinking he’s about to be the next world-champion surfer. Much to his dismay, he quickly finds out that his Arizona surfing skills don’t quite make the cut on the legendary North Shore. He’s lost on everything from surf technique to Hawaiian surf culture. After a few humiliating experiences, he meets both his new surfing mentor, Chandler, and the most beautiful girl on the island, two encounters that will transform Rick, and his way of surfing.

What's cool about this film is that it features real-life legendary surfers like Gerry Lopez and Laird Hamilton, who plays Rick's opponent on the water, Lance Burkhart. North Shore is often praised for its honesty and respect for surf culture. It has inspired many young surfers and remains a benchmark in the surf film genre. The film's soundtrack, which includes tracks by various artists from the 80s, also contributes to its nostalgic charm.

Endless Summer (1966)

No jokes to be made here- this 1966 documentary about surfing is the ultimate classic surf film – not to mention the iconic Endless Summer"artwork inspiration for bedroom wall posters worldwide. Filmmaker Bruce Brown introduces viewers to what it’s like to be a surf bum traveling the planet in search of perfect waves. Winter water temperatures in California are downright frigid. The film follows California-native surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August as they depart America for warmer conditions. The two cross the Pacific Ocean to Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Hawaii, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa, finding all the best surf spots along the way.

Endless Summer is the film that has inspired surfers everywhere to opt-out of day jobs, and into a life built around traveling to surf. Much to the disappointment of traditional parents everywhere, of course.

Point Break (1991)

This early 90’s film stars Keanu Reeves in his breakthrough role as Johnny Utah, and Patrick Swayze as surfer Bodhi. As an FBI newbie, Reeves needs to learn how to surf in order to stake out a group of robbers that have been tearing up the banks in Los Angeles. Keanu Reeves enlists the help of that girl from Free Willy and pretty soon he’s surfing some radical waves (unrealistically bigger than would be appropriate for his skill level to be frank). Next thing you know, the king of the beach, Bodhi invites him to hang out with the other cool surfer kids for no apparent reason.

Eventually, Utah discovers these hooligans are the robbers he has been looking for all along, and things spiral out of control from there. Breakups ensue, shots are fired, and people flee the country. Point Break is considered a classic, for sure one of the best surfing movies ever! It does indeed have some epic surf shots, and inspired an entire generation to take up surfing, so it’s worth a look.

Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable (2018)

Unlike Soul Surfer, the Hollywood biopic about Bethany Hamilton, Unstoppable, is a documentary which offers a much more intimate look at the surfer’s life. The now-famous Bethany Hamilton lost her arm when she was 13 to a 15-foot Tiger shark attack while surfing off the coast of Kauai. The film follows Bethany’s life- from her beginnings as the daughter of two surfers. Her main focus was to surf competitively, and become a world champion. After the attack, she had to relearn how to surf, which proved to be only a matter of determination for her. When the world got word of Bethany Hamilton’s courage, she became a media sensation.

From a speaker to an actress, her focus slowly shifted from surfing to media and then to becoming a wife and mother. But Bethany finds her way back to her first passion - surfing - and reclaims her competitive goals for big wave surfing. Unstoppable is a touching, inspiring piece about the life and passions of Bethany Hamilton, and is definitely worth 1 hour 40 minutes of your time!

The Shallows (2016)

If Unstoppable was worth your time, The Shallows is probably worth a little less of it. However, it’s still a decent surf film, just don’t except too much. That is, unless you have a thing for Blake Lively, because in that case this is the film for you! The Gossip Girl actress plays Nancy (no last name), a medical student looking for a secret beach in Mexico in memory of her deceased mother. She commits all kinds of no-no’s when she goes surfing ALONE on a deserted beach well into the evening. She predictably gets attacked by a great white shark which for no logical reason happens to be swimming in the breakwater. She has to fight to survive in her orange bikini with a shark bite wound and no one around to save her.

If nothing else, the movie is about how unattainably gorgeous Blake Lively is. At best, you’ll be inspired to do some sit-ups, and see a few nice surfing shots while you’re at it!

Want to discover new films?

Stay comfortable, because we've put together some other lists of films for you to watch! After surfing, you maybe want to see more thrilling scenes of your favourite sport. If you love skydiving, take a look at our list of the best skydiving films ever made.

If you've watched enough films for one day, perhaps you'd like to book your surfing session? We've got surf spots all over the world, from South Africa to Costa Rica, so find your next destination!