Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst Scuba Dive in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(281)Cousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 2 hrsFrom€58
HikingRecommendedGuided hike on the Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe(105)Soufrière, Guadeloupe6 hrsFrom€50
Microlight flyingRecommendedGyrocopter flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(71)Saint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(54)Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€39
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea kayak excursion from Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe(94)Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€38
CanyoningRecommendedCanyon of Ravine Chaude in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe(51)Soufrière, Guadeloupe5 hrsFrom€60
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, from Le Gosier(22)Le Gosier, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€50
Jet SkiingRecommendedJet Ski Excursion at Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(13)Le Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 4 hrsFrom€70
Microlight flyingRecommendedMultiaxis microlight flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(12)Saint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba diving discovery at Saint-François, Guadeloupe(14)Saint-François, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba Diving Discovery in the Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(22)Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst scuba dive in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(18)Port-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 40 min to 1 half dayFrom€70
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea Kayak Rental in the Cousteau Reserve from Bouillante, Guadeloupe(13)Cousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 3.5 hrs to full dayFrom€25
Boat ToursRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour to the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(23)Sainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€29
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour with Snorkelling in the Grand Cul-de-sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(19)Sainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe4 hrsFrom€30
Scuba DivingGuided or autonomous adventure dives in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(8)Cousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 2 hrs to > 1 weekFrom€42
Water TubingWater Tubing in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(9)Port-Louis, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe45 minFrom€12
Stand Up PaddlingStand up paddle excursion from Babin beach, Guadeloupe(8)Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€45
Sea KayakingSea Kayak Rental in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(10)Le Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 1.5 hr to full dayFrom€10
SailingRecommendedCatamaran excursion in the archipelago of Les Saintes, Guadeloupe(12)Les Saintes, Guadeloupe3 hrsFrom€75
Jet SkiingJet Ski Excursion without a License in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(8)Port-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 1 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€100
Boat ToursExcursion to the islands of Petite-Terre from Saint-François, Guadeloupe(5)Saint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€125
Boat ToursCatamaran Trip to Marie-Galante from Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe(4)Sainte-Anne, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupefull dayFrom€110
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst Scuba Dive in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(281)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 2 hrsFrom€58
HikingRecommendedGuided hike on the Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe(105)Organized by Vert IntenseSoufrière, Guadeloupe6 hrsFrom€50
Microlight flyingRecommendedGyrocopter flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(71)Organized by ULM ArchipelSaint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(54)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€39
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea kayak excursion from Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe(94)Organized by Ti-EvasionMorne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€38
CanyoningRecommendedCanyon of Ravine Chaude in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe(51)Organized by Vert IntenseSoufrière, Guadeloupe5 hrsFrom€60
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, from Le Gosier(22)Organized by SeatourLe Gosier, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€50
Jet SkiingRecommendedJet Ski Excursion at Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(13)Organized by Jet ForceLe Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 4 hrsFrom€70
Microlight flyingRecommendedMultiaxis microlight flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(12)Organized by ULM ArchipelSaint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba diving discovery at Saint-François, Guadeloupe(14)Organized by Noa PlongéeSaint-François, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba Diving Discovery in the Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(22)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
CanyoningRecommendedTi-Canyon in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe(21)Organized by Vert IntenseSoufrière, Guadeloupe4 hrsFrom€60
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst scuba dive in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(18)Organized by SeacretDivePort-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 40 min to 1 half dayFrom€70
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea Kayak Rental in the Cousteau Reserve from Bouillante, Guadeloupe(13)Organized by Kristal KayakCousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 3.5 hrs to full dayFrom€25
Boat ToursRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour to the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(23)Organized by Blue LagoonSainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€29
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour with Snorkelling in the Grand Cul-de-sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(19)Organized by GwadaventureSainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe4 hrsFrom€30
Scuba DivingGuided or autonomous adventure dives in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(8)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 2 hrs to > 1 weekFrom€42
Water TubingWater Tubing in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(9)Organized by SUNSET JET FWIPort-Louis, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe45 minFrom€12
Stand Up PaddlingStand up paddle excursion from Babin beach, Guadeloupe(8)Organized by Get Up Stand Up GuadeloupeMorne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€45
Sea KayakingSea Kayak Rental in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(10)Organized by Kaya'KoolLe Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 1.5 hr to full dayFrom€10
SailingRecommendedCatamaran excursion in the archipelago of Les Saintes, Guadeloupe(12)Organized by Voil Ô SaintesLes Saintes, Guadeloupe3 hrsFrom€75
Jet SkiingJet Ski Excursion without a License in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(8)Organized by SUNSET JET FWIPort-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 1 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€100
Boat ToursExcursion to the islands of Petite-Terre from Saint-François, Guadeloupe(5)Organized by Vou & Mwen ExcursionsSaint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€125
Boat ToursCatamaran Trip to Marie-Galante from Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe(4)Organized by Manta EvasionSainte-Anne, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupefull dayFrom€110
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst Scuba Dive in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(281)Cousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 2 hrsFrom€58
HikingRecommendedGuided hike on the Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe(105)Soufrière, Guadeloupe6 hrsFrom€50
Microlight flyingRecommendedGyrocopter flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(71)Saint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(54)Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€39
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea kayak excursion from Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe(94)Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€38
CanyoningRecommendedCanyon of Ravine Chaude in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe(51)Soufrière, Guadeloupe5 hrsFrom€60
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, from Le Gosier(22)Le Gosier, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€50
Jet SkiingRecommendedJet Ski Excursion at Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(13)Le Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 4 hrsFrom€70
Microlight flyingRecommendedMultiaxis microlight flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(12)Saint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba diving discovery at Saint-François, Guadeloupe(14)Saint-François, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba Diving Discovery in the Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(22)Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst scuba dive in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(18)Port-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 40 min to 1 half dayFrom€70
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea Kayak Rental in the Cousteau Reserve from Bouillante, Guadeloupe(13)Cousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 3.5 hrs to full dayFrom€25
Boat ToursRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour to the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(23)Sainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€29
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour with Snorkelling in the Grand Cul-de-sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(19)Sainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe4 hrsFrom€30
Scuba DivingGuided or autonomous adventure dives in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(8)Cousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 2 hrs to > 1 weekFrom€42
Water TubingWater Tubing in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(9)Port-Louis, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe45 minFrom€12
Stand Up PaddlingStand up paddle excursion from Babin beach, Guadeloupe(8)Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€45
Sea KayakingSea Kayak Rental in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(10)Le Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 1.5 hr to full dayFrom€10
SailingRecommendedCatamaran excursion in the archipelago of Les Saintes, Guadeloupe(12)Les Saintes, Guadeloupe3 hrsFrom€75
Jet SkiingJet Ski Excursion without a License in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(8)Port-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 1 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€100
Boat ToursExcursion to the islands of Petite-Terre from Saint-François, Guadeloupe(5)Saint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€125
Boat ToursCatamaran Trip to Marie-Galante from Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe(4)Sainte-Anne, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupefull dayFrom€110
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst Scuba Dive in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(281)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 2 hrsFrom€58
HikingRecommendedGuided hike on the Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe(105)Organized by Vert IntenseSoufrière, Guadeloupe6 hrsFrom€50
Microlight flyingRecommendedGyrocopter flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(71)Organized by ULM ArchipelSaint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(54)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€39
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea kayak excursion from Morne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe(94)Organized by Ti-EvasionMorne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€38
CanyoningRecommendedCanyon of Ravine Chaude in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe(51)Organized by Vert IntenseSoufrière, Guadeloupe5 hrsFrom€60
SnorkellingRecommendedSnorkeling excursion in the Grand Cul-de-sac marin, from Le Gosier(22)Organized by SeatourLe Gosier, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€50
Jet SkiingRecommendedJet Ski Excursion at Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(13)Organized by Jet ForceLe Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 20 min to 4 hrsFrom€70
Microlight flyingRecommendedMultiaxis microlight flight over Guadeloupe from Saint-François(12)Organized by ULM ArchipelSaint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 30 min to 2 hrsFrom€50
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba diving discovery at Saint-François, Guadeloupe(14)Organized by Noa PlongéeSaint-François, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
Scuba DivingRecommendedScuba Diving Discovery in the Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(22)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe2 hrsFrom€90
CanyoningRecommendedTi-Canyon in Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe(21)Organized by Vert IntenseSoufrière, Guadeloupe4 hrsFrom€60
Scuba DivingRecommendedFirst scuba dive in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(18)Organized by SeacretDivePort-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 40 min to 1 half dayFrom€70
Sea KayakingRecommendedSea Kayak Rental in the Cousteau Reserve from Bouillante, Guadeloupe(13)Organized by Kristal KayakCousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 3.5 hrs to full dayFrom€25
Boat ToursRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour to the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(23)Organized by Blue LagoonSainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€29
SnorkellingRecommendedInstant confirmationBoat Tour with Snorkelling in the Grand Cul-de-sac Marin Nature Reserve from Sainte-Rose(19)Organized by GwadaventureSainte-Rose, Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe4 hrsFrom€30
Scuba DivingGuided or autonomous adventure dives in Cousteau Reserve, Guadeloupe(8)Organized by Les Heures Saines PlongéeCousteau Reserve, GuadeloupeFrom 2 hrs to > 1 weekFrom€42
Water TubingWater Tubing in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(9)Organized by SUNSET JET FWIPort-Louis, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe45 minFrom€12
Stand Up PaddlingStand up paddle excursion from Babin beach, Guadeloupe(8)Organized by Get Up Stand Up GuadeloupeMorne-à-l'Eau, Guadeloupe1 half dayFrom€45
Sea KayakingSea Kayak Rental in Le Gosier, Guadeloupe(10)Organized by Kaya'KoolLe Gosier, GuadeloupeFrom 1.5 hr to full dayFrom€10
SailingRecommendedCatamaran excursion in the archipelago of Les Saintes, Guadeloupe(12)Organized by Voil Ô SaintesLes Saintes, Guadeloupe3 hrsFrom€75
Jet SkiingJet Ski Excursion without a License in Port-Louis, Guadeloupe(8)Organized by SUNSET JET FWIPort-Louis, Grande-Terre, GuadeloupeFrom 1 hr to 2.5 hrsFrom€100
Boat ToursExcursion to the islands of Petite-Terre from Saint-François, Guadeloupe(5)Organized by Vou & Mwen ExcursionsSaint-François, GuadeloupeFrom 1 half day to full dayFrom€125
Boat ToursCatamaran Trip to Marie-Galante from Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe(4)Organized by Manta EvasionSainte-Anne, Grande-Terre, Guadeloupefull dayFrom€110