Descente en Rafting de la Rivière Ubaye près de Barcelonnette

Le rafting est LE sport d'eau vive en Ubaye idéal à pratiquer entre amis ou en famille. Ce grand radeau gonflable, insubmersible, est le bus de la rivière !

Rafting découverte + sport

3 options disponibles à partir de 47 €

Réservez votre activité

Dès95 €
2 h
Sportif occasionnel
À partir de 15 ans

Informations pratiques

Enjoy the complete descent of the Ubaye river! You will spend around 2,5 on the water for a total activity duration of 3,5 hours that will leave you with unforgettable memories!

You will link the discovery and sporty itineraries proposed by Crazy Water Rafting:

- Discovery itinerary
You will discover the power of the river and learn to manage its turns with the help of your guide. You will face the rapids, swim in an invigorating water and flirt with rocks.
Along 9km (about 1,5 hours), you will enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the Valley and all its rapids (class III-IV).

- Sporty itinerary
You will ride the waves while enjoying their height, slide on natural slides into the depths of the river, live and feel the energy and the force of the elements!
Through play, you perfect your technique, your swimming, or surfing.
After 1,5 hours of descent, those incredible sensations will remain etched in your memory.


- Meeting with your instructor directly at the base
- Gearing up on site (changing rooms on site)
- Transportation by minibus to the banks of the river (5min)
- 2,5 hours of descent and return by bus to the base

Lieu de rendez-vous :
Crazy Water Rafting Ubaye, Font basse 04340 le Lauzet Ubaye
Langues parlées :anglais, italien, français